Heartrending Reality: Witnessing the Plight of Malnourished, Emaciated African Youth /kt

Heartrending Reality: Witnessing the Plight of Malnourished, Emaciated African Youth /kt

Many times after each meal, you leave behind a lot of food because you can’t eat it all. You may think that the amount of food thrown away is not worth much, but when there are so many people who think the same way, the amount of food thrown away becomes a huge amount. At the same time, in many other parts of the world there are still countless children in dire need of some leftovers to survive the next day.

Perhaps, after watching the series of photos of hungry African children below, you will no longer dare to leave behind any more food.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

The children were starving to the point of becoming emaciated with all their ribs.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Africa has always been known as the poorest continent in the world.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

The children did not stop crying because they were hungry.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

A child who seemed to be just lying there waiting to die.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

In these big bellies is not food but full of worms and bacteria.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Where does a thin mother with small breasts like this get milk to breastfeed?

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Poverty and hunger have turned these children into mobile skeletons.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

You may think that the amount of food you throw away each day is insignificant, but when there are too many people who think the same way, the amount of food thrown away becomes a huge amount.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Meanwhile, there are many children who are in dire need of a little leftover food to survive until the next day.

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Pity the image of skinny African children because of hunger

Every time you are about to throw away leftovers, remember that somewhere in the world there are still people who need them.

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