The story of a mother cat who lost her sense of smell and was confused and unable to recognize her kittens.

The story of a mother cat who lost her sense of smell and was confused and unable to recognize her kittens.

In today’s heartwarming video, we had an extraordinary encounter with a tiny, helpless kitten desperately in need of assistance. As we embarked on a cat food run, our attention was drawn to a precarious situation where this little furball was trapped. Without hesitation, we quickly intervened to rescue him from his predicament.


Surrounded by a multitude of cats, we couldn’t determine if he had a mother nearby. However, as fate would have it, a black mama cat approached and sniffed the tiny kitten with a sense of familiarity. It seemed as though a bond of kinship existed between them. Yet, our hopes were shattered when the shopkeeper informed us that the mama cat had relocated her other kittens, leaving this fragile soul behind.

Realizing that the poor kitten had been deprived of his mother’s care since the previous day, we understood that we couldn’t take any chances with his well-being. Immediate action was required to ensure his survival. With great care and concern, we meticulously prepared a special formula milk for him, knowing that regular milk might harm his delicate system. The little one was not only ravenously hungry but also severely underweight, emphasizing the urgency of our intervention.

Witness the tender moments as we nourish and nurture this famished little soul. We shower him with love, providing him a safe haven within the sanctuary of our home. He is no longer alone, for we have become his surrogate family, committed to offering the affection and attention necessary for his growth and flourishing.

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